Little Bird Flies – Birth and Beyond

Here to help you write your own birth story.​

A little about Little Bird Flies

Melissa created Little Bird Flies as a place for you to come home to.

A place for women to come to no matter where they are at on their journey to motherhood: pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum or months into their mothering journey looking for a village; a place to be held and understood.

Little Bird Flies is about seeing YOU and holding YOU. Creating a space for you to feel safe and a place for you to unravel into the depths of pregnancy and the waves of motherhood with grace and compassion.

Melissa recognises the gravity of holding space for women as they traverse the space from maiden to mother, and the importance of acknowledging them for where they are at on their journey and empowering them to step into their incredible power and voice within.

She is passionate about addressing all aspects of the labour, birth and postpartum journey. This means, helping them prepare not only physically through pelvic alignment and mobilisation protocols and exercises but emotionally and psycho-spiritually, understanding the significance of the mind-body connection during labour and birth and the deep connection birth has to our mothering and breastfeeding journey.

Melissa’s path in life has led her to a place of truly understanding and seeing women for who they are and for where they are at in this very moment. She recognises that we grow and evolve in ebs and waves and that all we really want is to just be seen and to be heard. Melissa is here to hold you and to help you navigate a time in your life that can feel oh soo exciting but absolutely, overwhelmingly daunting all at once.

Join Melissa at one of her Positive Birth Courses by Hypnobirthing Australia or come along to one of her bespoke postpartum and breastfeeding masterclasses. You might want to come sit in circle with her and other mums or have her join you on your journey to motherhood as your doula. Melissa is trauma-informed and works closely with women who have experienced birth trauma and are navigating their journey postpartum or in pregnancy again, she is also an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant offering individualised holistic breastfeeding support.

Learn more about why Melissa is so passionate about childbirth education & the journey to parenthood here.